Choose quality, choose tradition, choose a Fraser Fir Christmas tree.

Choosing a Fraser fir Christmas tree can be an excellent choice for several reasons:

Beautiful Appearance

Fraser fir trees are known for their attractive, symmetrical shape and uniform branches. They have a classic Christmas tree silhouette with dense, soft needles.

Excellent Needle Retention

Fraser fir trees are renowned for their exceptional needle retention. They tend to hold onto their needles for an extended period, even when they dry out slightly, making them a low-maintenance option.


Fraser firs emit a pleasant, citrusy fragrance that adds to the festive atmosphere in your home. The aroma is often associated with the holiday season.

Easy to Decorate

The sturdy branches of Fraser fir trees can support a variety of ornaments, lights, and decorations without drooping or bending.


With proper care, Fraser fir trees can stay fresh and vibrant throughout the holiday season, providing you with a beautiful tree for an extended period.

Low Allergenicity

Many Christmas tree farms use sustainable and environmentally friendly farming practices. Some even participate in certification programs that ensure responsible land management and conservation efforts.

Soft Needles

The needles of Fraser fir trees are soft to the touch, making them more comfortable to handle and less likely to cause skin irritation.

Vibrant Color

The needles of Fraser fir trees have a bright green color that adds to their visual appeal, both when the tree is natural and when it’s decorated with lights and ornaments.

Adaptable to Various Climates

Fraser fir trees are adaptable to different climates and can thrive in various regions, making them widely available.

Sustainable Farming Practices

Many Fraser fir tree farms follow sustainable and environmentally responsible growing practices, such as replanting trees and protecting natural habitats.


After the holiday season, Fraser fir trees can be easily recycled into mulch, wood chips, or compost, reducing waste.

Traditional Choice

Fraser firs are a popular choice for Christmas trees and are widely associated with holiday traditions, making them a classic and timeless option.

Ultimately, the choice of a Christmas tree comes down to personal preference, but Fraser fir trees are favored by many for their aesthetic appeal, longevity, and the overall holiday experience they provide.