Buy Your Tree early before they sell out!

The tree lot just opened and all the gorgeous trees are in stock but you don’t feel like setting up the tree yet? You can certainly buy a fresh Christmas tree, keep it outside for a couple of days, and then cut it and put it in water. This can be a good strategy to help maintain the tree’s freshness before bringing it indoors for decoration. Here’s how you can do it:

Select a Fresh Tree

When purchasing your tree, choose one that appears healthy and has green, flexible needles. This indicates that the tree is fresh and will have a longer lifespan once indoors.

Store It in a Cool, Shaded Area

After purchasing the tree, store it in a cool, shaded area outdoors. This can be a garage, covered porch, or any location protected from direct sunlight and harsh weather conditions.

Keep the Trunk Covered

To prevent the cut end of the tree trunk from drying out, you can cover it with a plastic bag or a wet cloth until you’re ready to bring it indoors.

Cut the Trunk

Just before bringing the tree indoors, trim about 1-2 inches (2.5-5 cm) from the bottom of the trunk. This fresh cut helps the tree absorb water more effectively when placed in the tree stand.

Place in Water Immediately

Once you’ve made the fresh cut, place the tree in a sturdy tree stand with a water reservoir filled with fresh water. Make sure the base of the tree is submerged in water immediately to prevent air from entering the trunk.


Now you can proceed to decorate the tree as you normally would.

By following these steps, you can help ensure that your Christmas tree remains fresh and hydrated throughout the holiday season. Keeping it outside for a few days before bringing it indoors can be a practical way to extend its freshness, especially if you’re not ready to decorate it immediately after purchase.