Spread the Cheer, Follow these Steps for a Happy Christmas Tree Year!

Bringing a real Christmas tree home can be a fun and festive tradition. To ensure that your tree stays fresh and safe throughout the holiday season, follow these steps:

Measure your space

Before purchasing a tree, measure the height and width of the area where you plan to place it. Make sure the tree you choose will fit comfortably without obstructing walkways or other decorations.

Choose a healthy tree

Look for a tree with vibrant green needles that are not dry or brown. Gently run your hand along the branches to check for needle retention; the needles should stay firmly attached. If possible, give the tree a gentle shake to ensure only a few needles fall off.

Cut the trunk

If the tree seller hasn’t already done so, you should make a fresh cut at the base of the trunk right before bringing it home. This will help the tree absorb water more effectively. Use a saw to make a straight cut, removing about 1-2 inches from the bottom.

Get a tree stand

Ensure you have a sturdy and appropriately sized tree stand that can hold enough water to keep the tree hydrated. The rule of thumb is that your tree stand should provide 1 quart of water per inch of trunk diameter.

Transport the tree

Secure the tree to your vehicle using rope or bungee cords to prevent it from shifting or falling during transport. If possible, place a tarp or blanket underneath to protect your car’s interior from any sap or debris.

Set up the tree indoors

When you get home, immediately place the tree in its stand. Position it away from heat sources like radiators, fireplaces, or heating vents to prevent it from drying out prematurely.

Water the tree

Fill the tree stand with water as soon as you set it up and check the water level daily. A freshly cut tree can absorb a significant amount of water in the first few days, so keep the stand filled to ensure the tree remains hydrated.

Branch Settling

Allow the branches to settle for a few hours or overnight to help them naturally expand and take on a more natural appearance.

Decorate your tree

Once the tree is securely in its stand and watered, you can start decorating it with lights, ornaments, and any other decorations of your choice.

Keep the tree hydrated

Continue to check the water level in the tree stand regularly and top it up as needed. A well-hydrated tree will stay fresh and reduce the risk of becoming a fire hazard.

Monitor for safety

Be cautious with electrical decorations, ensuring that they are in good condition and not overloaded. Keep the tree away from open flames and heat sources, and turn off the lights when you leave the room or go to bed

Dispose of the tree properly

After the holiday season, recycle your Christmas tree through your local municipality’s tree recycling program or compost it if possible. Do not leave the tree indoors for an extended period once it has dried out, as it can become a fire hazard.

By following these steps, you can enjoy a beautiful and safe real Christmas tree throughout the holiday season.